午夜性侵者Midnight Intruder(1938)


主演:路易斯·海沃德 艾瑞克·林登 J·C·纽金特 Barbara Read 欧文·培根 Robert Greig 皮埃尔·沃特金斯 希拉·布罗姆利 Paul Everton 娜娜·布莱恩特 约瑟夫·奎汉 塞尔默杰克逊 Jan Duggan 

导演:阿瑟·卢宾 / 编剧:Channing Pollock/Lester Cole/乔治·瓦格纳 George Waggner





Plot Summary:Barry Gilbert and "Doc" Norton, broke and hungry, enter the unoccupied Reitter country estate. Soon, servants begin to arrive to prepare to welcome home the prodigal son, John Clark Reitter, Jr., of a newspaper-publisher, who has been away for several years and whom none of the servants know by sight. Barry decides to pose as Junior. The real Reitter (Jr.), before he can reach home, is arrested for murder and his wife, Peggy, appeals to Barry for aid. With the help of a newspaperman and an attorney he manages to establish Reitter's innocence. He also finds time to fall in love with Patricia Hammond and gets a job as a reporter on Reitter's newspaper.
