Proibito rubare(1948)

又名:Prohibido robar / De nouveaux hommes sont nés


主演:Adolfo Celi Tina Pica Mario Russo Luigi Dermasti Clemente De Michele Carlo Della Posta Carlo Barbieri Ettore Mattia Il Duca di Civitelli Antonio Cirelli Luigi Demastro Giovanni Rinaldi 

导演:Luigi Comencini / 编剧:Aldo Buzzi

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日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Guaglio "Proibito Rubare" (1948)

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Proibito rubare:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:On his way to Africa, Don Pietro, a young missionary priest has his suitcase stolen in the station of Naples. While making every effort to retrieve his baggage he finds out how devastated and miserable the city of Naples is. Learning that he has been the victim of gang of local street urchins, he decides that is mission is here in Naples, not under distant skies. He creates a home for poor kids, assisted by Maddalena, the cook, with a view to putting the "scugnizzi" back on the right track. He is very successful with Peppinello, who shows gratitude for what the priest is doing and feels good in his new secure home. But other kids do not play by the rules and find the home a convenient place for hiding the product of their thefts...
Italie - 1948 - 85’   (Proibito rubare)   Avec Tina Pica, Adolfo Celi, Mario Russo.   Un prêtre missionnaire en route vers l'Afrique se fait voler sa valise à la gare de Naples. Il découvre une ville profondément dévastée par la guerre, et en proie à la misère. Il décide alors de fonder un asile pour recueillir et héberger de très jeunes enfants esseulés et miséreux.
