一些美好的事物Beautiful Things(2017)



主演:Andrea Pavoni Belli Van Quattro Danilo Tribunal 

导演:乔吉欧・费雷洛 / 费德利科・必亚辛 / 编剧:乔吉欧・费雷洛 Giorgio Ferrero



日期 资源名称
2020-09-11 一些美好的事物.beautiful.things.2017.hd1080p.x264.aac.eng



Plot Summary:Life as it happens - the film's tag line - says it all. This slice-of-life film is a meditation on love and happiness. Schola and Gabe are two young artists (she an actress and he a filmmaker) struggling to make some inroads into their respective careers, while working to bring an end to the loneliness they feel as single adults in a big city. Schola and Gabe eventually cross paths on a subway train, and soon begin an instructive, romantic relationship. The film takes us through various stages of the relationship and is divided into four appropriately-labeled chapters, indicating the four stages of a relationship - from the first meeting, to the early novelty phase, continuing on as the novelty wears off and potential problems set in, and ending with a matter of choice of whether to continue on or to separate. Long contemplative shots follow the two characters as they live and grow, alone and together. The startling black and white grainy digital video photography of the film enhances...
新导演乔吉欧费雷洛与费德利科必亚辛展现惊人的观察与想像力,将工业的粗糙化为绝美画面,尖锐的撞击融为调和的旋律,将放弃逃离的无奈与叹息,化为一节奏强劲的生命进行曲。   德州,鑽油井日夜运作不休,一人作业,造福千万人口;海上,无数货柜堆满船隻,一人管理,将生活需求送往世界。工业化带来的缩减人力,让这些男子如僧侣般在机械与尘土间踽踽独行,渺小又孤独,却是供应日常所需的第一线推手。在这暴饮暴食的拜物世代,容易取得的资源养大世界的胃口,过度消费与浪费齐头并进,噪音充塞每一分寸,人们早已不再倾听内心,更遑论叩问良心。
