
又名:大婆婆小两口 / Mother & Lover

主演:坂口憲二 篠原涼子 佐藤仁美 小野武彦 田山涼成 松坂慶子 水川あさみ 金子貴俊 矢沢心 蛍原徹 阿南健治 西丸優子 要潤 上村香子 

导演:新城毅彦 / 塚本連平 / 三宅喜重 / 






Plot Summary:Shingo Okazaki is a young man devoted to his mother to a degree that's rare in Japan. He's a young fellow who treats his mother with respect, but his tendency to overdo it makes his filial devotion look more like a little fault to those around him. Then, a young woman falls in love with him. She finds it very admirable that he takes such good care of his mother, but is also a bit confused by this fellow who seems to care more for his mother than for his girlfriend. She's wondering all the time if she can really marry such a guy. Then the mother herself would like to break these overly strong ties of affection that bind her son to her. They get along like two lovebirds and she loves her son, but after all, it's about time he got on with his own life. Here's a heartwarming drama depicting the sorrows and joys of these three protagonists.
Mother or Lover?愛自己的媽媽有什麼不對!他愛我!可是…他更愛媽媽?!岡崎真吾是個外型粗獷陽光,好感度滿分的180帥哥。為追尋演員夢,一邊在小劇團苦熬,一邊拉人力車賺生活費。杉浦瞳則是職場得意、精明幹練的女強人,可是年過30卻毫無男人緣,讓她滿心焦急,深怕嫁不出去變成老姑婆。偶然機會小瞳認識了真吾,兩人彼此一見鍾情,眼看即將展開一段甜蜜的姊弟戀…可是小瞳沒想到,真吾最愛的女人竟然不是她,而是相依為命的母親瑪麗亞!面臨史上最難三角習題,夾在最愛的兩個女人中間,真吾到底該選擇Mother or Lover?
