28i Oktovriou, ora 5,30(1971)


主演:Hristos Politis 费尔南多·桑乔 Vera Krouska 

导演:科斯塔斯·卡拉扬尼斯 / 

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28i Oktovriou, ora 5,30:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:On April 1941, during the German intervention in the Greco-Italian War--which broke out on 28 October 1940, at 05:30 AM--the few inhabitants of the small Macedonian village, Little Elm, find themselves under siege, when Lieutenant, Willy Knut, and his men invade the area. Intent on turning the local wood factory into an ammunition assembly line, the ruthless commander will stop at nothing to get the job done; however, the proud men and women of the community are already planning to sabotage Willy's plans, thirsting for independence. But, freedom is always stained by the blood of the innocents. Can the fervent patriots thwart the Nazis' ambitions?
