How Molly Made Good(1915)


主演:Marguerite Gale Helen Hilton John Reedy William H. Tooker William A. Williams Armand Cortes James Bagley Edward P. Sullivan 

导演:Lawrence B. McGill / 

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How Molly Made Good:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Molly, an Irish girl just hired by a New York newspaper, is assigned as a test a chain interview of celebrities that must be accomplished within a set amount of time. She goes through innumerable paths and obstacles to achieve the goal.
Molly Malone,新移民来自爱尔兰,决心像她的战前的哥哥一样成为纽约报纸记者。她被要求在限时内对多名舞台明星进行采访。尽管她的竞争对手 - Hilton与其幕后黑手Reedy竭尽全力阻止了她,但Molly还是成功实现目标。
