星际之门 SG-1 第二季Stargate SG-1(1998)

又名:星际之门 SG-1 第二季

主演:Richard Dean Anderson Michael Shanks Amanda Tapping Ben Browder 

导演:William Waring / 编剧:Jonathan Glassner/Paul Mullie/Joseph Malozzi/Brad Wright/Robert C. Cooper

星际之门 SG-1 第二季:在线播放

星际之门 SG-1 第二季:最新迅雷BT资源

日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Stargate.SG-1.s02 Complete
2019-05-12 Stargate SG1 Season 2 DVD 1 <>

星际之门 SG-1 第二季:最新字幕下载

日期 资源名称
2022-02-27 Stargate.SG-1.S02.1080p.BluRay.x264-BORDURE.zip

星际之门 SG-1 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:As the Goa'uld attack fleet approach Earth, all four members of the SG-1 team are taken prisoner. They get help from an unexpected source when Bre'tac, Teal'c's mentor, reveals that he is on board. Apophis has delayed the attack until his son Klorel is revived, giving them some time to prepare. SG-1 has used all of the C4 on one of the two ships but must find a way to dispose of the second. Back at Stargate Command, Lt. Col. Bert Samuels arrives as a Pentagon liaison officer but also reveals a new weapon they have developed. General Hammond is dubious. They begin to transport humans to transport humans to an Alpha site in order to ensure the continuation of mankind.
星际之门SG-1系列剧集主要讲述一组由科学家和军人组成的探险队伍在通过星际之门进行星际探险的过程中遇到了神秘强大的外星人,并由此展开了一连串奇幻的星际冒险经历。星际之门是古老而先进的外星科技,利用扭曲时间和空间的虫洞(Wormhole)将物质于瞬间传送过宇宙。星际之门计划代号为52区,由乔治哈蒙少将指挥,直接向总统负责。基地位于科罗拉多州夏安山北美防空司令部下方,深达地下28层,是冷战时期为防核战而开凿所建。故事紧接着94年《星际之门》电影版之后发生的,星际之门自上次O‘Neill 上尉他们返回之后就一直未启用,突然有一天星际之门无故自行开启了,从星际之门走出来的是一伙全副武装的外星人,故事就由此展开。为了追查事件的根源并探索未知的世界,掌握星……
