肖邦的艺术L'art de Chopin(2010)

又名:The Art of Chopin / Die Kunst des Frédéric Chopin(德)

主演:Garrick Ohlsson 弗拉基米尔·阿什肯纳奇 Rafał Blechacz Piotr Anderszewski 阿图尔·鲁宾斯坦 Yuja Wang 斯维亚托斯拉夫·里赫特 Evgeny Kissin 

导演:Gérard Caillat / 





Plot Summary:Garrick Ohlsson, the winner of the 1970 Chopin International Competition, joins Antoni Wit and the Warsaw Philharmonic to play both of Chopin's piano concertos. A magnificent pianist, Ohlsson is one of the most celebrated Chopin interpreters and his performances reveal the many facets of the composer's genius. The concert was recorded at the Warsaw Philharmonic on 29 August 2009. This concert is followed by the documentary film The Art of Chopin, made in 2009 by the visionary director Gérald Caillat to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Chopin's birth; it not only tells the story of his brief life, but also brings together some of the world's greatest pianists playing excerpts from a collection of his best-known works. Documentary \"The Art of Chopin\", A film by Gérald Caillat, with the participation of Garrick Ohlsson, Bella Davidovich, Evgeny Kissin, Piotr Anderszewski, Yuja Wang, A co-production of Idéale Audience, Plesnar Films and ARTE France in association with A Plus Image. Both films produced by Hélène Le Coeur.
纪录片《肖邦的艺术》,为庆祝肖邦诞辰200周年而创作,导演杰拉德·凯蕾。本片不仅讲述了肖邦短暂的一生,记载了这位作曲家最富有创造力的时期,描述了他职业生涯的关键阶段、他的工作方法、音乐影响力等,纪录片还汇集了一些世界上伟大的钢琴家,如加里克·奥尔森、叶甫根尼·基辛、阿图尔·鲁宾什坦、玛塔·阿格里奇、王羽佳等人对肖邦作品的理解和演奏片段。   Production : © Idéale Audience / Plesnar Films / ARTE France / Telewiszja Polska SA
