大兵斯纳福 间谍篇(1943)

又名:间谍 / Private Snafu: Spies



导演:Chuck Jones / 

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大兵斯纳福 间谍篇:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The doltish but self-confident and self-congratulatory Private Snafu is in possession of a military secret during World War II. Over the course of the day, spouting rhymed couplets, he divulges the secret a little at a time to listening Axis spies. He tells his mom some of the secret when he calls her from a phone booth; the rest he spills to a dolly dolly spy who plies him with liquor. Snafu's loose lips put himself at risk.
二战期间,各国为了探听对方的军事机密广派间谍,无所不用其极。美国大兵斯纳夫(Mel Blanc 音)将于下午4点半乘军舰开赴非洲。这是一项军事机密,轴心国的间谍们紧紧跟在斯纳夫的身后,渴望探听出航的时间。傻乎乎且盲目自信的斯纳夫认为自己可以守住这个秘密,但几杯酒下肚,他的意识完全放松,面对性感美女将军事机密和盘托出。而这个消息第一时间被传往希特勒的手中。   4点半,军舰起航,却很快遭到敌人潜水艇的包围和攻击……
