远方精灵漫舞:谭雅雷克LIFE IN MOVEMENT(2010)



导演:Sophie Hyde / Bryan Mason / 





Plot Summary:In 2007 the Sydney Dance Company appointed 29-year-old choreographer Tanja Liedtke as their first new artistic director in 30 years. However before she could take up the position, she was struck and killed by a truck in the middle of the night. Admired internationally as a dancer and celebrated for her fresh choreographic voice, she was known as a dedicated artist, intelligent, dorky, funny and generous. 18 months after her death her collaborators embark on a world tour of her work, and in the process they must deal with their grief and explore the reasons for her death. Interspersed with intimate footage of her artistic process and previously unseen interviews, Life in Movement is a film about moving creatively through life and loss. Filmmakers Bryan Mason and Sophie Hyde give us a powerfully rendered take on art and artists, creativity and our own mortality.
★「令人為之驚豔的天才編舞家,讓你非進戲院不可的狠角色!」─時代雜誌   ★ 愛丁堡電影節、蒙特婁電影節、墨爾本電影節等眾多國際影展競相邀約   與碧娜.鮑許的烏帕塔舞蹈劇場齊名的DV8英國肢體劇場長期合作編舞家Tanja Liedtke,年僅29歲就接任雪梨舞團藝術總監一職,卻在上任前夕香消玉隕,引起國際舞蹈界一片譁然。她留下的作品不斷地被重新詮釋搬上舞台。本片為紀念她短暫卻眩麗的一生,特別收錄從未公開的珍貴訪談,讓我們了解這位極度要求完美的藝術家,充滿生命激情的創作人生。日舞影展選片人Trevor Groth也在接受訪談時,表示:「看完,我不禁捫心自問『我是否如Tanja Liedtke凡事全力以赴?』這部電影讓我深受感動,很少看到一部紀錄片如此具有啟發性。」
