For Love and Honor(1983)


主演:克利夫·波茨 亚非特·科托 加里·格鲁布斯 雷切尔·蒂科汀 Shelley Smith 基伦·埃弗瑞·韦恩斯 凯利·普雷斯顿 贝弗利·陶德 约翰·贝克 大卫·卡罗素 迈克尔·卡瓦诺夫 李·德布鲁 安东尼·爱德华兹 安迪·加西亚 John Mengatti 

导演:Harvey S. Laidman / 盖瑞·尼尔森 / 编剧:Jerrold L. Ludwig/Earl W. Wallace

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For Love and Honor:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Fort Geller Texas is training center for paratroopers with instructors China Bell and more lenient Eugene Allard molding diverse recruits into a unit. Their captain is rascist Stephen Wiecek whose adulterous wife Phyllis drinks excessively.
