历史的逃兵Motza el hayam(2017)

又名:Low Tide / 历史的逃兵(港)


导演:Daniel Mann / 





Plot Summary:The fact that Yoel Kanovich didn't report for the army reserve training he was summoned to is by no means his only problem. His marriage to Sigal is on the rocks, his father recently died of a heart attack, and on top of that he's lost his job as a history teacher. His nerves apparently got the better of him during a lesson on the Balfour Declaration, of all things. Of all the many declarations made over the years, this promise of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine was his father's favourite. But with everything we learn here about the country and Yoel's home city of Tel Aviv, we could equally speculate that this same declaration is responsible for the state of routine emergency depicted so aptly in Motza el hayam. Using scraps of news reports on the soundtrack, TV images and visions of destruction, the film repeatedly brings together the omnipresent violence in this society and the mess that makes up Yoel's private life. How he turns his back on all this and the surprising...
1917 年的贝尔福宣言支持在巴勒斯坦建立犹太家园,却为日后以巴冲突埋下伏线。约尔本来是历史科老师,有天教到贝尔福宣言,突然在学生面前失控落泪。约尔的人生也真够可怜,爱妻提出分居,老父心脏病发去世,现在连教职也丢了,被国家征召为后备军人,但临阵脱逃,成了逃兵。他的人生战场,分明不在巴勒斯坦占领区,也不愿回去为虎作伥。流落到旅馆,遇上的都是失意人,才发现自己并不孤单。既是一次对人生的反省,也在含蓄批评国家打压巴勒斯坦的政策。
