

主演:Michael Allen Williams 

导演:Shawn Stutler / 





Plot Summary:After finding a mysterious film reel hidden in their ceiling, the well-meaning staff of a struggling movie theater assume that the film is an old B-movie preview trailer and play it before a midnight screening of the timeless George A. Romero masterpiece, 'Night of the Living Dead'. When the film is revealed to be a long-dead Nazi scientist's mind control experiment, their audience of horror movie fanatics is transformed into a mob of mindless zombies with a fierce hunger for the flesh of the living! Ten survivors struggle to stay alive as the cinema is overrun by shambling hordes of the undead, while outside, ruthless government agents plot to halt the spread of the mysterious outbreak by any means necessary. Sometimes creepy, sometimes campy, 'Dead at the Box Office' pays tribute to the low budget horror films of the '70s and '80s. Combining the elements of these "B" classics with a fresh twist on the zombie origin, 'Dead at the Box Office' is a tongue-in-cheek salute to horror fans...
某午夜电影院,一个小职员在阁楼上发现一卷年头久远的胶片。他以为这是一部早期的B级恐怖片,于是将其制作成预告片播放。当晚,影院放映乔治•罗梅罗的名作《活死人之夜》,而那支预告片也随之一同放出。   放映期间,影院员工们凑在一起说笑,当观众陆续从放映厅走出时,他们却发现了一样。所有的观众都变成嗜血如命的恐怖僵尸,并且向活人展开疯狂的袭击。原来那卷胶片所记录的是一个纳粹科学家的心灵控制术,半个世纪后,这项恐怖的实验再显威力。   狭小的影院里,谁人能够存活?
