蜜色之肤Couleur de peau: Miel(2012)

又名:同意收养 / Approved for Adoption

上映日期:2012-06-04(法国昂西动画节) / 2012-06-06(法国)片长:75分钟

主演:克里斯特尔·科尼尔 Maxym Anciaux Cathy Boquet Mahé Collet William Coryn Jean-Luc Couchard Aaricia Dubois Alayin Dubois Arthur Dubois Nathalie Homs 

导演:Laurent Boileau / Jung / 编剧:Laurent Boileau/Jung





Plot Summary:European on the heads side, Asian on the tails side. Cartoonist. 42 years old according to his civil status, Jung prefers to place his birth at the age of 5, when a policeman found him wandering alone on the streets of Seoul. He is one of those 200 000 adopted Koreans spread around the world. Jung decided to return, for the first time, in South Korea, in order to breath the air of his home country, tread the land of his ancestors, and maybe find traces of his biological mother. This trip of reconciliation with his roots and with himself, shot as a documentary, leads our character to recall in animation
“允”是朝鲜战争战后孤儿,幸运地被一家比利时人收养,于是他入乡随俗,渐渐忘记自己是韩国人。然而在西方文化中的允,仍无法在白人世界找到身份认同感,他甚至把自己当做一个日本人。和家人愈发紧张的关系也加剧了他对身份认同感的怀疑。一次偶然的机会,他遇上了同是韩国领养孤儿的“金” ,两人也开始擦出别样的火花...   ◎获奖情况   2012 昂西动画电影节 主竞赛单元-观众奖
