哥布林杀手:哥布林的王冠ゴブリンスレイヤー GOBLIN'S CROWN(2020)

又名:Goblinslayer: Goblin's Crown


主演:梅原裕一郎 小仓唯 东山奈央 中村悠一 杉田智和 井口裕香 内田真礼 日笠阳子 松冈祯丞 

导演:尾崎隆晴 / 



日期 资源名称
2022-09-28 [喵萌奶茶屋] 哥布林杀手:哥布林的王冠 / Goblin Slayer Goblin's Crow


Plot Summary:The humanity has been at war with different kinds of monsters for far too long, however, people are now used to it. For those who want to take part in this, there is a guild of adventurers, where everyone can accept a quest and fight monsters for a reward. Among all those monsters, goblins are believed to be the weakest creatures to fight, which makes rewards for killing them quite minimal. Being alone, goblins are easy to kill, since they are not smart and lack any strategy whatsoever. However, among these stupid creatures there are goblins that are much more powerful, smarter and deadlier than their small and foolish brothers. Together, they form a power that is able to trouble even experienced adventurers. The problem is that only a few understand it. Goblin Slayer, Orcbolg, or Beard-cutter is an underappreciated silver-ranked adventurer, who, for some reason, only accepts goblin-killing quests. What is his story?
据说,在这间边境公会中,有个只靠讨伐哥布林就升上银等(第三位阶)的稀有存在……一名女神官成为冒险者后,首次组成队伍出征,就在冒险中陷入了危机。而拯救了她的,正是那名被称为“哥布林杀手”的男人。   剑之圣女向哥布林杀手提出了委托,拜托他寻找动身前往歼灭哥布林后就一直下落不明 的千金剑士,于是哥布林杀手一行人来到了北方的雪山。不管是遭到袭击的贫穷村落或神秘的礼拜堂,以及这一次哥布林们的行动,这一切在哥布林杀手眼里都显得有些不太对劲。
