The End(2013)


导演:尤洛·匹可夫 / 编剧:尤洛·匹可夫 Ülo Pikkov

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The End:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:It is said that if a man is fading away, he sees his life running quickly in front of his eyes. What does a hundred-year old film strip see before it gives way to digital vehicles? Does it see broken frames, scratched film stock, or something else?
传说,当一个人去世时,灵魂将穿过她的眼睛。   如今在数字媒体时代,百年高龄胶片电影也将失去它的位置。而我们失去的,除了充满质感的画面划痕,还是有其他什么东西?
