谋杀“2001”2001: Do Hazaar Ek(1998)


主演:杰奇·史洛夫 迪宝·卡帕蒂娅 塔布 Rajat Bedi Suresh Oberoi 古山·格罗维 Deven Verma 慕汗.焦史 沙拉蒂·瑟斯纳 Navneet Nishan 萨达西欧.阿穆拉普日卡尔 Mukesh Khanna 

导演:Raj N. Sippy / 





Plot Summary:Following the brutal slaying of a call-girl named Julie in Bombay city, two police inspectors, namely Anil Sharma and Rajat Bedi, are assigned to investigate and bring the culprit(s) to book. Anil \u0026 Rajat note that the killer leaves \"2001\" marked on the body of the victim. Anil comes to know that the man staying in Julie's room is a prominent Member of State Parliament, Ramaswamy, and would like to list him as a suspect. Julie's death is followed by more killings in the same style, and killed are Advocates Sarkari and Kajal, and a man named Krishna Rao. Then Ramaswamy himself is attacked, but survives and is hospitalized. When he regains consciousness for a brief period of time, he points an accusing finger at Rajat and then relapses. Not wanting to take any chance, Police Commissioner Malik has Rajat under house arrest. Then Anil comes across some evidence that links the killing to none other than Malik himself, while Rajat starts to gather together evidence against Anil. The question remains: Is the killer one of these police officers? If so, which one, or are all three collectively involved in these gruesome deaths?
随着应召女郎朱莉在孟买被残忍地杀害,两名警察督察,即Anil Sharma和Rajat Bedi,被指派去调查并将罪犯绳之以法。Anil & Rajat注意到,凶手在受害者身上留下了“2001”的标记。阿尼尔了解到,住在朱莉房间里的人是一位著名的州议会议员拉马斯瓦米,他想把他列为嫌疑人。朱莉的死之后,又发生了更多类似的杀人事件,被杀的有萨卡里和卡加尔,还有一个叫克里希纳·拉奥的男人。后来拉马斯瓦米自己也遭到袭击,但他活了下来,住进了医院。当他恢复意识一小段时间后,他指责Rajat,然后又复发了。为了不冒任何风险,警察局长马利克将拉贾特软禁起来。然后Anil偶然发现了一些证据,证明这起谋杀与Malik本人有关,而Rajat开始收集不利于Anil的证据。问题是,凶手是这些警察中的一员吗?如果是,是哪一个,或者这三个人都与这些可怕的死亡有关?
