


主演:Enrique Papatino José Sacristán 

导演:罗德里戈·H·比拉 / 编剧:Rodrigo H. Vila





Plot Summary:Towards the end of the Second World War, German physicists were doing everything possible to build an atomic bomb, and other "secret weapons", before the United States in order to stop the imminent fall of the Third Reich. But Hitler had expelled Einstein from Germany, and his own scientists could not do it. Strangely, Argentina, which had been neutral during the war and thanks to that had accumulated big reserves, was now importing scientists and technicians from the extinct Third Reich. The goal: to continue working with the development of nuclear energy, taking orders from a new leader: General Juan Domingo Peron. When the Soviet Union did not have its first "A" bomb yet, Argentina was already working on the development of nuclear energy through a unique and innovative method: "Nuclear controlled Fusion" By the use of this method, Argentina would be able to stock up energy unlimitedly and vastly more powerful than with the American one. Was it possible for a country like Argentina,...
“马驼鹿计划”是一项原子发展秘密计划,是由前总统Gral. Perón和德国科学家一起研究原子弹发展起来的。这个计划是1946开始的,仅仅在广岛事件之后几个月。1951年,Perón总统向世界宣布在他的任期间实行原子能秘密计划。随后,阿根廷和全世界最重要的报纸都报道了这个惊人的发现。
