A Strange Adventure(1932)

又名:The Wayne Murder Case


主演:里吉斯·图米 琼·克莱德 Lucille La Verne 贾森·罗巴兹 William V. Mong Eddie Phillips 德怀特·弗莱伊 Nadine Dore 艾伦·罗斯科 Isabel Vecki 哈利·迈耶斯 艾德·钱德勒 Fred 'Snowflake' Toones 

导演:Phil Whitman / Hampton Del Ruth / 编剧:Arthur Hoerl/Lee Chadwick/Hampton Del Ruth

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A Strange Adventure:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Silas Wayne's will leaves the bulk of his estate to his niece, but the cursed Candor diamond catches the eye of someone who can't wait for the old man to die. When he's mysteriously stabbed to death in front of the police and his heirs, Detective -Sergeant Mitchell and newspaper reporter 'Nosey" Toodles work together to solve the crime.
