别出去 第四季Not Going Out(2011)

主演:李·麦克 莎莉·布雷顿 Tim Vine 卡蒂·威克斯 

导演:Nick Wood / 

别出去 第四季:在线播放

别出去 第四季:最新迅雷BT资源

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别出去 第四季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:With Lucy not pregnant and Barbara married to Pavel and out of the picture life should be simple but Tim ensures the opposite when he returns from a night-club wearing the wrong coat - with heroin in the pocket. He and Lee return the coat and its contents to the presumed rightful owner but they have just given free drugs to the wrong man and have to spend eight grand buying more to appease the real owner,a murderous butcher who is not pleased to find that the dealer has played a trick on him. Could Daisy be an unlikely saviour as the butcher gets serious with Tim and Lee?
