倒错人生 第二季(2010)

主演:托妮·科莱特 约翰·考伯特 凯尔·吉克瑞斯特 布丽·拉尔森 

导演:Craig Zisk / 编剧:Diablo Cody

倒错人生 第二季:在线播放

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倒错人生 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Having been well and dissociation-free for the last several months, Tara sets out to rebuilt her life with Max's help by making new friends. But things take a turn when a neighbor of the the Gregsons' suddenly commits suicide and the family unexpectedly is given responsibility of the house and estate. Meanwhile, Marshall struggles to fit in at school as an out-and-proud gay guy, while Kate lands a new job after graduating early from high school. Elsewhere, Charmaine's boyfriend, Nick, brings up the question of marriage to her.
