罗丝之歌A rózsa énekei(2003)

又名:Rose's Songs


主演:Géza Balkay Péter Blaskó Ildikó Bánsági 

导演:Andor Szilágyi / 编剧:Andor Szilágyi





Plot Summary:Autumn 1944. Yellow star, ghettos, Arrow Cross terror. The inhabitants of Hungary's capital, Budapest, await the tragic fulfilment of their fate with helpless resignation. However, above one of the city's villas, once a week in the evening the stars of hope sparkle, if only for a few minutes. This short time gives fresh heart to those hiding here and kindles hope in their tortured souls to live for another day. This mysterious power is none other than a beautiful song that can be heard at such times from the villa's tower room. Géza Halász, the villa's always jovial caretaker, believes no Jew has reason to fear while the owner of the voice, Imre Rose, the world-famous opera singer and a Jew himself, remains in Budapest and does not flee from the country in spite of his American, British, Swiss, Swedish and Vatican connections. Halász visits the singer every Friday to dine with him. After a while the marvellous, hope-inspiring concert starts, which is listened to by the hiding ...
卡罗维发利国际电影节 / Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2003 水晶球 / Crystal Globe 提名 Andor Szilágyi   卡罗维发利国际电影节 / Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2003 特别致意奖 / Special Mention 获奖 Andor Szilágyi   二战期间,纳粹入侵了匈牙利,千万个家庭破碎,本片从一个家庭中的成员---孩子的视觉出发,讲述了普通家庭经历巨变的历程。
