Good Weather, But Stormy Late This Afternoon(1986)

又名:Beau temps mais orageux en fin de journée


主演:米切林内·普雷斯利 克洛德·皮埃普吕 Xavier Deluc 托涅·马歇尔 让-保尔·米埃尔 Ingrid Bourgoin 

导演:热拉尔·弗洛-库塔 / 编剧:雅克·达维拉 Jacques Davila

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Good Weather, But Stormy Late This Afternoon:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Jacques and Jacqueline do not have much more pleasant to say to each other after forty years of married life. When, in an inopportune way, their son Bernard arrives to present his fiancée Brigitte to them, that does not help.
Introspection d'un vieux couple qui s'aime et se dechire a l'occasion de la visite du fils cheri qui vient presenter son amie.
