

导演:丸根賛太郎 / 





Plot Summary:Torahachi is a lower-ranked samurai whose job is to help carry his lord's palanquin across the river. He and his friends like to drink and fight on their off time. One night another carrier comes in with a wild tale of a magical demon fox in the woods. So Torahachi goes out to kill it. Instead of the fox, though, he finds an abandoned baby. He takes it home to take care of it. It's not easy, and he gives up drinking and fighting. Despite help from his friends, his job performance is slipping - once literally. Still, he stays with it and the boy grows happy and healthy. But one day an important leader comes, announcing that he is the real father and wants to take him back. Torahachi gives his son a choice, and naturally the boy wants to stay. But it's not up to him. The boy must go back. At least Tora can carry his palanquin and stay alongside.
