梦中之吻El beso del sueño(1992)

又名:Dream Kiss


主演:玛丽维尔·贝尔杜 胡安·迭戈 欧塞维奥·庞塞拉 托尼伊斯贝特 

导演:拉斐尔·莫雷诺·阿尔巴 / 





Plot Summary:The gorgeous Margot supports her aged father by seducing men on trains, slipping them a Mickey Finn (a beso de sueño) and robbing them of money and jewelry. One night her victim is a currency smuggler taking 100 million pesetas out of Spain. He's being watched by a cop and by a burned-out alcoholic, Salvatierra, who does occasional jobs for a corrupt banker; they are quickly on Margot's trail. The cop suspects Salvatierra of working with Margot, but Salvatierra has his own agenda. He becomes Margot's protector; is it for his own good or for hers as well? And what are these feelings that develop between the two of them? Where will the money end up?
在这部毛骨悚然而充满色情肉欲的追逐游戏里,《衰仔失乐园》的女主角Maribel Verdu扮演一名擅长诱惑男人的迷人妓女。每次她都玩弄男人,许诺给他们性愉悦,而实际上却把他们毒死再偷走身上的钱。当她抢来一个装满钞票的大皮箱时就被一群杀人越货的强盗给盯上了,同时成为了一名英俊而无法抗拒她魅力的警察的心仪目标……
