悲欢岁月A Foreign Field(1993)

又名:We Shall Meet Again


主演:亚历克·吉尼斯 莱奥·麦凯恩 爱德华·赫曼 杰拉丁·卓别林 劳伦·白考尔 让娜·莫罗 约翰·兰道夫 

导演:Charles Sturridge / 





Plot Summary:Amos and Cyril are a pair of British veterans from WWII, going back to Normandy 50 years after D-Day to visit an old buddy's grave. There, they run into Waldo, an American WWII vet. And both Waldo and Cyril run into a French woman they were both enamored of in their soldiering days and begin squabbling over her. Waldo's son and daughter-in-law are putting up with him and each other. And the entire group meet up with a woman who has come to visit the grave of her brother. Together, they form an odd camaraderie, bound by the past as they share their memories
