情海生波Dear Heart(1964)

又名:Out of Towners


主演:格伦·福特 杰拉丹·佩姬 安吉拉·兰斯伯瑞 小迈克尔·安德森 芭芭拉·尼科尔斯 帕特里夏·巴里 

导演:德尔伯特·曼 / 编剧:塔德·莫泽尔 Tad Mosel





Plot Summary:Single and alone, Evie arrives in New York for the annual Postmasters' convention. Staying at her hotel is a womanising salesman newly promoted to his marketing department and trying to adjust to having become engaged. When his path crosses Evie's, she wonders if this is finally the man for her, while her ways just seem to annoy him. At least to start with.
Single and alone, Evie arrives in New York for the annual Postmasters' convention. Staying at her hotel is a womanising salesman newly promoted to his marketing department and trying to adjust to having become engaged. When his path crosses Evie's, she wonders if this is finally the man for her, while her ways just seem to annoy him. At least to start with.
