尖牙Time to Eat(2015)



主演:Ethan Michael Mora Ydaiber Orozco 

导演:Luke Guidici / 编剧:Luke Guidici





Plot Summary:8-year-old Xavier is bored out of his gourd. Stuck at home with nothing to do, the little lad absentmindedly plays with his rubber ball while his mother is in the kitchen busily cooking the evening meal. He stealthily creeps into the kitchen, intending to surprise Mom, but is instead greeted with a stern look from her and a nod that tells him to go play elsewhere. Sitting out in the hallway, he bounces his ball against the opposite wall when all at once he misses the catch and the red orb goes rolling towards the open basement door, stopping just millimeters short of plunging down the darkened staircase into the depths of the cellar below. The boy heaves a sigh of relief and looks back to check that his mother didn't witness the incident, but as his attention is turned, we see a slimy tentacle slither out into the doorway and nudge the ball just enough so that it goes over the edge, bouncing down the stairs. We see Xavier's red-sock-clad feet slowly creep down the steps into the ...
某户人家,恬静的男孩(Ethan Mora 饰)百无聊赖对着墙壁玩着投球游戏,他侧头望去,母亲(Ydaiber Orozco 饰)正在厨房烹饪,无暇他顾。男孩试图引起母亲的注意,但是母亲太忙了,实在没办法和他玩耍,他只得再度回到原来的位置。这时,他的皮球滚到了地下室的门口。在他没有看见的时候,一支触角样的东西将球碰下了楼梯。男孩小心翼翼步下楼梯,当他捡起球的时候,两根触角却悄然从身后升起,扑向了男孩。   妈妈仿佛听到了什么声响,却仍旧站在炉灶前没有动弹。这时,一根巨大的带着斑斑血迹的触手慢慢向厨房滑来……
