Madonna of the Streets(1924)


主演:艾拉·娜兹莫娃 弥尔顿·希尔斯 克劳德·吉林沃特 华莱士·比里 安德斯·兰道夫 哈罗德·古德温 

导演:埃德温·卡鲁维 / 

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Madonna of the Streets:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:John Morton, director of the fashionable parish of St. Andrews, resigns his wealthy charge to open a mission in the Limehouse district of London. His uncle, dying, leaves penniless his mistress, Mary Carlson, who determines to go to London and land the millions which she feels should have been hers through marriage to Morton. In this enterprise she succeeds with the ease of the practiced siren, but she tires of the life when she finds that Morton is sincere in his determination to put all of his money into welfare work. A night out with Morton's secretary brings matters to a crux, but he forgives her escapades, only to discover immediately after her identity as his uncle's enslaver. The second blow is too much for him. He lets her go her way. Later he realizes his powerful love for her. He fails in his mission since his hearers feel there is too much preaching and too little personal gain, and they are rushing him into the river when he is rescued by the police. He signs away the last of his money, believing that it has cost him his influence with his people, but he retains his ministry and eventually Mary comes back. She is miraculously revived after being declared dead, and the story ends on this dramatic moment.
