女婿乱入 第三季Cuckoo(2016)


主演:海伦·巴克森代尔 Greg Davies 泰勒·洛特纳 埃丝特·史密斯 

导演:Paul Murphy / 编剧:Robin French/Kieron Quirke

女婿乱入 第三季:在线播放

女婿乱入 第三季:最新迅雷BT资源

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女婿乱入 第三季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Lorna's baby is a week late but she also has a great new job lined up, meaning that Ken could be stuck with an unwanted paternity leave. Rachel is still seeing boring Ben so all three are delighted when Dale returns from China, fleeing an irate father. Dylan, his reluctant room-mate, is less enamoured. Lorna's labour is miraculously induced by some bizarre Eastern methods practiced by struck-off doctor Steve but at the hospital Ken almost misses the birth when he gets caught up with another pregnant woman, Jess - who fancies him.
Rachel 选择了与 Ben 分手保持朋友关系,但是还是继续怀恋着 Dale。Ken 的结扎手术没有成功,导致 Lorna 怀孕,一切都在等待新宝宝降生过程中平稳进行。Dale 在圣诞节的时候不辞而别,却在6个月后回到了Lichfield,原来过去的六个月里他跑到中国跟着一个商业老板干活。但是怪怪的 Dale 貌似也从中国带了一些麻烦……
