黑白相间महिमा दुर्गा काली की(2002)

又名:Mahima Kaali Maa Ki



导演:Shantilal Soni / 





Plot Summary:After giving birth to a Lakshmi, her mother passes away, leaving her dad with no alternative but to re-marry a woman named Malti, who hates Lakshmi right from day one. Lakshmi finds solace and peace of mind worshiping Devi Maa Kaali, and it is through Devi Maa's blessings that she gets married to Dr. Anju, from a wealthy family and background, and goes to live in his house with his kind-hearted mother. They live harmoniously for several months, and then tragedy strikes when Anju is crippled and paralyzed in a motor vehicle accident and is bed-ridden. To make matters worse, his mother finds out that Lakshmi has been sneaking out late at night out of the house. Suspecting her infidelity, she questions her, but Lakshmi refuses to divulge where she has been going and who she has been meeting. The question remains, who does Lakshmi go to meet late at night, and why did these visits start shortly after Anju's accident?
在生下一个拉克希米之后,她的母亲去世了,让她的父亲别无选择,只能和一个叫马尔蒂的女人重新结婚,她从出生的第一天起就恨拉克希米。Lakshmi在崇拜Devi Maa Kaali时找到了慰藉和心灵的平静,正是通过Devi Maa的祝福,她与来自富裕家庭和背景的Anju博士结婚,并与他善良的母亲住在他的房子里。他们和谐地生活了几个月,然后悲剧发生了,安居在一次机动车事故中致残瘫痪,卧床不起。更糟的是,他的母亲发现拉克希米一直在深夜从家里溜出来。怀疑她不忠,她质问她,但拉克希米拒绝透露她去了哪里,她会见了谁。问题仍然是,拉克希米深夜去见谁,为什么这些访问是在安居事故发生后不久开始的?
