



导演:华特·迪士尼 / 





Plot Summary:Tom Cat drinks his moonshine and then heads off with his rifle to go hunting. While the cat is away, Mickey, Minnie, and the other mice living underneath the porch, will play. Mickey forms another mouse into a key to open the padlock on the door, and then into the house everyone goes. Mickey and Minnie dance on the piano to play music, while the other mice use whatever they can get their hands on - a saxophone, a violin, even a spittoon - to accompany him. A parrot attempts to join in, but the effort of his bad singing causes him to lose his balance and fall into the spittoon. Later, Mickey uses a mousetrap as a catapult to toss himself up to a wheel of Swiss cheese on a high shelf. But these mice are more interested in music than in eating. Mickey slices the cheese in a circular fashion that allows it to act like a paper roll for the player piano. When the roll is finished, two mice form themselves into a makeshift phonograph, which means more fun and music for everyone.
阳光明媚的一天,黑猫汤姆走出房门,喝着小酒扛着来福枪前往森林打猎。它刚刚离开,米奇和米妮以及其他小老鼠便来到汤姆的房门前,米奇用一只小老鼠作钥匙拧开房门,随后他们冲入屋内玩耍。在空无一人的大房子内,老鼠们尽情玩耍,摇椅、吊灯、楼梯、浴缸等成了他们的娱乐场所。米奇和米妮跳上钢琴,演奏了包括Listen to the Mocking Bird在内的数段名曲,小老鼠们伴着音乐载歌载舞,无上快乐。他们还将奶酪做成了谱子,放进钢琴里自动演奏。米老鼠更是将自己变成了唱片机,播放出一段段美妙的乐曲。小老鼠们共同度过了愉快的一天……   本片为米奇系列第6部作品。
