岳:冰峰救援岳 -ガク-(2011)

又名:Peak: The Rescuers


主演:小栗旬 长泽雅美 佐佐木藏之介 石田卓也 市毛良枝 渡部笃郎 

导演:片山修 / 编剧:吉田智子



日期 资源名称
2021-09-01 【1080p超清中文字幕】岳:冰峰救援迅雷下载.2011.3.6gb.torrent
日期 资源名称
2019-05-10 岳.Gaku.Chi_Jap.DVDrip.872X480-YYeTs人人影视.rmvbHR-HDT
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 岳:冰峰救援.Peak.The.Rescuers.2011.1080p.BluRay.x264.CH
日期 资源名称
2021-05-20 电影天堂kuvun.org岳:冰峰救援-2011_bd日语中字.mp4.torrent



Plot Summary:Sanpo Shimazaki is a volunteer mountain rescuer. He climbs mountains all over the world and knows well the difficulties and the beauty of the mountains. Sanpo wants to share his knowledge of the mountains to others. When Sanpo is called into action he never blames others even though their predicament is usually caused by them. Kumi Shiina is new volunteer mountain rescuer attempting to follow in her father's footsteps. Under the guidance of rescue leader Masato Noda and Sanpo, Kumi undergoes a strict training regiment. Kumi also learns the perils of her new job - failed missions, the bereaved families blaming the rescuers, and the awesome power of mother nature itself. Kumi becomes tired and loses her confidence. A raging winter storm then strikes the mountain. Multiple distress calls come in. Kumi goes out for a rescue mission and what awaits for her is an unimaginable threat from mother nature.
在当今的日本,大约活跃着1230万的登山爱好者,人类凭借着坚韧的毅力和无畏的勇气征服了一座又一座山峰,但在这一过程中,每年也约有2000人败在大自然的脚下,失去性命或者终身残疾。在北部的奥穗山岳附近,活跃着一支由队长野田正人(佐佐木藏之介 饰)所率领的救援队,前女刑警椎名久美(长泽雅美 饰)即是救援队的成员之一。在入队的第一天,她便赶上了一次救援行动,也结识了乐观向上、经验丰富的名登山家和业余救援队员岛崎三步(小栗旬 饰)。在岛崎和队员的帮助下,久美不断成长,不断积累经验,也在生死刹那间体会到了生命的真义……   本片根据石塚真一的漫画《岳》改编。
