拯救我们的灵魂Spasite nashi dushi(2008)

又名:Спасите наши души

主演:瓦西利娜·马科夫采娃 Nikita Astakhov 

导演:基里尔·贝列维奇 / 





Plot Summary:August 1942. Senior Lieutenant Krotkiy has just started a new post in a remote part of the country when he discovers a disfigured corpse in the port. Although it appears that the seaman was attacked with a harpoon, Bodyagin, the medical officer in charge, cannot provide a clear cause of death. When more bodies are discovered around the island, its terrified inhabitants believe that the spirit of a local medium looking for revenge is responsible for the recent epidemic of deaths. It is up to Krotkiy to stop the murders, expose the real perpetrators and discover the truth.
