


主演:Cham Min Ye Htut Aung Ye Htike Russell Nyein Thaw Nang Tracy Moe Ya Thaw May Sue Maung Nang Khay Mo Myat Noe Aye 

导演:Htoo Paing Zaw Oo / 编剧:Htoo Paing Zaw Oo





Plot Summary:The film is about the accident between the teenagers. Nyein Thaw,Chan Min and Aung teased Tracy about her crush on Nyein Thaw on April's Fool. She hated them since and try to revenge. Myat Noe who is studying abroad and Russell are sweet couple. Yathaw is Myat Noe's friend who helps them for her wedding. She has a younger brother,Nat Shine Ko who is the son of her father 2nd wife. Yathaw hates Nat Shine Ko and she always quarrells with him. One day,she break the photo album of his mother, Nat Shine Ko acridity to her. Then, Tracy and Nat Shine Ko meet and they try to reprisal to each others.
这部电影是关于一场发生在青少年之间的故事。在愚人节当天,Nyein Thaw,Chan Min 和Aung取笑Tracy对Nyein Thaw的爱恋。从那以后,她开始怀恨在心,并试图报复。   正在国外学习的Myat Noe和Russell是甜蜜的一对爱侣。Yathaw是Myat Noe的朋友,在婚礼上给了他们不少帮助。她还有一个弟弟,Nat Shine Ko,是她父亲第二任妻子的儿子。Yathaw讨厌Nat Shine Ko,他俩吵架。   有一天,她打破了他母亲的相册,Nat Shine Ko便对她恶语相向。   Tracy和Nat Shine Ko相遇,他们开始报复对方。
