异度节点John Carpenter's Cigarette Burns(2005)


主演:诺曼·瑞杜斯 乌多·基尔 克里斯·高瑟 克里斯托弗·雷德曼 柯林·富 Zara Taylor 

导演:约翰·卡朋特 / 





Plot Summary:The bankrupted owner of the movie theater 'Vogue', Kirby Sweetman, is hired by the eccentric private collector Mr. Bellinger to search and find the only existing print of the legendary horror film "La Fin Absolue du Monde" by Hans Backovic. This lost film is considered magic and cursed, and has been presented only once to an audience at the Sitges Festival, driving the people insane and causing bloodshed in the theater. The director, the crew and everybody involved in its production seemingly have died since. Kirby owes 200.000 dollars to his father-in-law, who blames Kirby for the death of his daughter Annie, and accepts the assignment to pay his debt. Bellinger shows him a souvenir from the film in his basement, a chained angel that had his wings torn off in the movie. Kirby travels to France to meet a contact and has glimpses of his beloved Annie, initiating his journey to hell.
曾有一部电影,被称作世上最恐怖的影片。它只公开放映过一次,却引起了极大的血腥事件,因此被当局永久禁止,拷贝也销毁殆尽。从此它成为资深影迷间口耳相传却无缘一见的传奇电影,它的名字叫做——《最后的世界末日》。   影院经理科比(Norman Reedus 诺曼•里德斯 饰)濒临破产,丈人亦指责其害死了其女儿安妮(Zara Taylor 饰),走投无路的科比只得受雇于私人收藏家贝林格(Udo Kier 尤度•奇尔 饰),去寻找那部传说中的恐怖电影,却从此踏上一条通往地狱的不归路……
