Las muchachas de azul(1957)


主演:阿娜莉亚·加德 费尔南多·费尔南·戈麦斯 托尼·勒布朗克 Licia Calderón 安东尼奥·奥索雷斯 Vicky Lagos Lucía Prado Ena Sedeño 何塞·路易斯·洛佩斯·巴斯克斯 马里奥·贝里亚图阿 Leo Anchóriz Xan das Bolas 

导演:佩德罗·拉萨加 / 

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Las muchachas de azul:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Serving the customers of a department store, the salesgirls in their blue uniform go out of their way to serve them. But in their young minds, one idea surpasses all: the hunt for a husband. Ana is in love with Juan, who seems to be very well in his condition of single. Olga has aspirations of the highest level, as her boyfriend must own a great car. Pilar aims to win a radio contest. And there is also Álvaro, the lawyer whose only cause capable of defending, and even with a resounding failure, is the freedom of the bachelor.
