临床13区:起源13 клиническая. Начало(2024)



主演:帕维尔·普里卢茨内 伊琳娜·斯达申鲍姆 维克多利亚·伊萨科娃 Tatyana Vladimirova 谢尔盖·吉列夫 Igor Mirkurbanov Evgeniy Petrov Arina Nesterova 斯维特拉娜·斯捷潘科夫斯卡娅 

导演:Ilya Ermolov / 





Plot Summary:The 13th Clinical Hospital as we know it does not yet exist, and humanity is just beginning to come into contact with supernatural phenomena. To be ahead, the USSR is beginning to look for doctors who are ready to go beyond conventional medicine. One of these doctors is Yana, a neuropsychiatrist who is going through a family drama. Arriving at the hospital to save Brezhnev after his fatal contact with a demon, the girl unexpectedly finds out that her son was being held hostage by Lucifer. Now she has to not only rescue her child by becoming a vessel for the demon, but also take on the role of the head physician of the world's first mystical hospital. So, the 13th clinical clinic begins its work. Yana and her colleagues will have to spend a lot of effort on mastering new treatment methods and studying entities. And the country's leadership needs to find out whether it is possible to use N-phenomena for defense against external threats.
故事发生在1976 年,比第一季的故事早了半个世纪。当时还没有我们熟知的临床13区,人类刚刚开始接触超自然现象。为了抢占先机,苏联开始寻找愿意超越传统医学的医生。雅娜就是这样一位,她是一位精神科医生,正经历着一场家庭闹剧。在勃列日涅夫与恶魔发生致命接触后,她来到医院抢救勃列日涅夫,却意外发现自己的儿子被路西法挟持。现在,她不仅要救出自己的孩子,成为恶魔的容器,还要担任世界上第一家神秘医院的主治医生。   就这样,临床13区开始了工作。雅娜和她的同事们需要花费大量精力掌握新的治疗方法,分析本质,而国家领导层则要查明是否有可能利用N现象来抵御外部威胁....
