铜山毛榉案"The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" The Copper Beeches(1985)


主演:Jeremy Brett David Burke Natasha Richardson 

导演:Paul Annett / 编剧:Arthur Conan Doyle/John Hawkesworth





Plot Summary:Sherlock Holmes is approached by a pretty young woman with a bizarre tale. Violet Hunter is a governess by profession and she has recently been offered a position by Jephro Rucastle to act in that capacity at his country home, the Copper Beeches. Apart from offering an enormous salary, Mr. Rucastle also has a number of odd requests. It would be necessary for Violet to cut her hair short and from time to time she would have to sit with them in the parlor wearing a particular electric blue dress. Homes doesn't have much to offer by way of advice but after taking up her appointment, Violet urgently requests his assistance when she discovers that someone may be locked away in a far corner of the house.
你是个女孩,你穷困潦倒、欠债累累,这时,突然天降横财——有人迫不及待地以天价请你去他家做家庭教师!他没有别的要求,只要求你剪短美丽的秀发,每天穿上他妻子为你准备的铁蓝色衣服,而且向你保证:“至于照管孩子的事,那是很轻松的.”   你会怎么想?   也许你会想:这是阴谋!你想对了。   可是,那是一个什么样的阴谋?   让我们跟着福尔摩斯来看看。
