芭芭雅嘎:林中恶魔Яга. Кошмар тёмного леса(2020)

又名:芭芭雅嘎 / 鬼保母(台) / Yaga: Koshmar temnogo lesa / Baba Yaga: Terror of the Dark Forest


主演:奥列格·楚古诺夫 Glafira Golubeva Artyom Zhigulin 斯薇坦娜·乌斯蒂诺娃 阿列克谢·罗津 玛丽安娜·斯皮瓦克 玛尔塔·蒂莫菲娃 Filippov Daniil Zhenya Evstigneeva 伊格·克里普诺夫 尤莉娅·亚历山德罗娃 Heather Gonzalez Xanthe Huynh Aleks Le Chris M Lewis Casey Mongillo 劳拉·波斯特 米歇尔·拉夫 德尼斯·什韦多夫 基思·西尔弗斯坦 Kaiji Tang 

导演:Svyatoslav Podgaevskiy / Nathalia Hencker / 编剧:纳塔莉亚·杜波瓦亚 Natalya Dubovaya/伊凡·卡普托诺夫 Ivan Kapitonov/Svyatoslav Podgaevskiy



日期 资源名称
2020-08-27 Baba.Yaga.Terror.of.the.Dark.Forest.2020.RUSSIAN.1
2020-08-27 Baba.Yaga.Terror.of.the.Dark.Forest.2020.RUSSIAN.1
2020-08-24 Baba.Yaga.Terror.of.the.Dark.Forest.2020.1080p.Blu
2020-08-23 Baba.Yaga.Terror.of.the.Dark.Forest.2020.1080p.Blu



Plot Summary:The young family who moved to a new apartment on the outskirts of the city. The nanny hired by them for the newborn daughter quickly gained confidence. However, the older boy, Egor, talks about the frightening behavior of a woman, but his parents do not believe him. The surveillance cameras installed by the father for comfort only confirm everything is in order. Then one day, Egor, returning home, finds no trace of either the nanny or the little sister, and the parents are in a strange trance and do not even remember that they had a daughter. Then Egor, together with his friends, goes in search, during which it turns out that the nanny is an ancient Slavic demon, popularly known as Baba Yaga.
这个年轻的家庭搬到市郊的一个新公寓,为他们刚出生的女儿雇了一个保姆。在得到信任后,晚上的保姆吓坏了婴儿和长子埃戈尔,后者正试图告诉父母保姆的奇怪行为,但他们不相信他。为了让父亲冷静,他安装了监控摄像头,但一切正常,没有发现任何可疑之处。一旦埃戈尔回家,他就找不到保姆或小妹妹。但家长们正处于一种奇怪的恍惚状态,不记得他们有一个女儿。   令人惊讶的是,她带着孩子,所有的玩具和东西都不见了,好像她以前从未来过这里。埃戈尔和他的朋友们去寻找,相信保姆实际上是一个古老的恶魔,俗称雅加。如果他们不能应付,他们的父母也会忘记他们。
