

主演:Esteban Carvajal-Alegria Milan Mauger Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet Renaud Cestre Pierre Derenne Philippe Torreton 

导演:Edwin Baily / 





Plot Summary:A story of friendship and closeness, a tale of courage and broken dreams. At first there are Pierre Thomas and Lucien Laclos, bosom pals although totally different. Thomas is outgoing, fearless, a man of action and a born leader. Laclos is reserved, a dreamer, an artist. What do they have in common? A strong inclination to change the world and a refusal to bow down. What binds them? A rejection of the French defeat and subsequent German occupation, a hatred of Nazism and contempt for the cowardice of collaboration. Others join them. Jacques Naudin is the oldest and also the most mature. Pierre Grellier is joyful, resourceful and athletic. Jean Artaud, Pierre's opposite, is the youngest of the group, a frail, shy and withdrawn boy. Five young men, all from well-off families, whom fate never intended to be partisans in an occupied Paris. Like the fingers on one hand, they are so different from each other and yet so close. Their love is not spoken aloud. It's not the sort of thing you ...
