Battle Arena 斗神传(1996)

又名:Battle Arena Toshinden


主演:关智一 子安武人 冰上恭子 立木文彦 冬马由美 井上喜久子 西川几雄 乡里大辅 岸野幸正 吉田信幸 麻见顺子 辻亲八 菅原淳一 室园丈裕 奥岛和美 

导演:大张正己 / 编剧:あみやまさはる/高山治朗

Battle Arena 斗神传:在线播放

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Battle Arena 斗神传:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:For one year, Master Swordsman Eiji Shinjo has been haunted by the memory of his battle with the renegade champion, Gaia - a battle that was cut short by the forces of the malevolent syndicate known as "the organization.
