企鹅家族第二季Pingu Season 2(1991)

又名:企鹅宾哥 / 企鹅家族 / Pingu at the Doctors


导演:Otmar Gutmann / 编剧:Sylvio Mazzola



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 PINGU Las Aventuras de Pingu
2019-05-11 Pingu xvid Dvd rip (130 episodes) -Phantom



Plot Summary:Who is Pingu? He's a charming and cheeky young penguin who lives in the snow and ice of the South Pole. Often finding himself in tricky and comical situations, the mischievous penguin meets the challenges of life head on, as he grows into a cooler and wiser penguin along the way. The award-winning, stop-frame calymation show appeals to millions of fans worldwide. Pingu has fun chillin' with his family and friends at their Arctic home, but that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the cool adventures of this humorous penguin. Penguins have feelings too, and Pingu experiences the joys and frustrations of kids everywhere in these fun-filled stories. But sometimes things get out of hand as the mischievous little penguin goes from one "ice-capade" to another!
Pingu是一只来自南极的年轻企鹅,它与它的母亲、父亲(当地的邮递员)及年幼的妹妹Pinga一起生活。Pingu只是喜欢玩耍,它很淘气,但心肠很好。如大多数的妹妹一样,Pinga也从不会错过取笑Pingu的机会。不过他们有时候仍然很喜欢相互玩耍。Robby这只海豹是Pingu最要好的朋友之一,不论它们是在一起钓鱼或是玩捉迷藏,它们总要冒很大的险。   《企鹅家族》教给少年儿童们一些人生的必修课,每一集都在试图向年轻的观众们强调相互合作的好处和良好行为的重要性,以及贪心、嘲弄和不守规矩所带来的不良后果。这部动画片已经相继在全世界150多个国家播出,而这只名叫Pingu的卡通企鹅在许多国家被作为联合国儿童基金会的形象大使。
