
又名:Lost Daughter


主演:李天柱 林子熙 王琄 谢琼煖 黄尚禾 

导演:陈宇诘 / 





Plot Summary:Lost Daughter shows how a family relationship based on competition and possession can cause tragedy: it tells a desperate growth story accompanied by sacrifice and wound. In this film, the family members born from the same father are in competition, which prevents them from sharing anything at the same time. After a death and farewell, the father attempts to reconcile with his daughter, who does the same with her sister, but it is too late. Maybe a family is based on the sense of possession and doesn't allow its members to reach each other until it is dismantled. The father tries to stop the family from collapsing without knowing the cause of it despite his position as father. The family here is obliged, or perhaps destined,to be dismantled. Dismantlement of a family, after all, is the course of realizing that its members must stop longing for the attention and affection of the father. Lost Daughter in this sense is a story of Shin, who is no longer a daughter to her father.
阿盛(李天柱 饰)是一个在北京生活已久的台商。他有两个老婆,一个离婚已久的台湾前任(谢琼煖 饰),一个感情不错的北京现任(王琄 饰)隔着两岸,不相往来。阿盛也有两个女儿,一个叫嘉欣(林子君 饰),一个叫恋恋(陈怡溱 饰),妹妹因为崇拜姐姐,从北京来台湾念大学,两人同住在一个屋簷下。   妹妹刘恋在游泳队的潜水活动中意外身亡,警方判定她是因过量安眠药引发窒息死亡,认为同住的姊姊嘉欣身为潜水老手,与其一同下水,有故意杀人的嫌疑。   爸爸阿盛回到台湾为小女儿办理后事,与疏离已久台湾的大女儿嘉欣再度重逢。身在北京的恋恋妈妈来台誓要查明真相。阿盛的前妻,嘉欣妈则誓要保护嘉欣。而游泳队长伯谚(黄尚禾 饰)内心似乎藏着什麽秘密......   一对父女,两岸的家庭,就此掀起一场关于过往的风暴。
