Le veau gras(1939)


主演:爱尔薇儿·珀派斯科 安德烈·勒福尔 阿尔芒·贝尔纳 Dorville 弗朗索瓦·佩里埃 玛塞勒·普兰斯 

导演:塞尔日·德·波利尼 / 

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Le veau gras:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Jules Vachon, a pharmacist, has two sons, Gabriel, a steady-minded young man dedicated to his job in the pharmacy, and Gaston, a good for nothing whose only talent is to seduce rich women and take money from their pockets. But it is Gaston who is hailed as a great man when he returns to his native village thanks to his deep pockets...
