Fantasy Hospital(2016)

主演:Pete Holmes 艾玛·考尔菲德 昆瑙·内亚 宝蕾·佩雷特 约拿·雷 Robin Dearden 威尔·惠顿 Justin Marchert Michael Dennehy Jim Marchert Bill Ratner Nathan Baker 


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Fantasy Hospital:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The dwarfs, giants, fairies and other wizarding doctors of "Fantasy Hospital" can cure any magical malady from Arachpneumonia to Zombie Decay. Dwarf of Staff Chief Kuckles (voiced by Robin Dearden) leads the medical mages: Dr. Drexel Bonaventure, the reformed evil wizard (Pete Holmes); Nurse Misty Windham, the erratic elf (Emma Caulfield); giant Dr. Pakij, the ogre g.y.n. (Kunal Nayyar), centaur Hunter, the quadramedic (Jonah Ray) and Nickleby the secre-fairy (Pauley Petrrette). But when the High Wizard (Wil Wheaton) declares that even the lowly humans must be saved, they'll seek help from the unlikeliest of worlds -- ours. Through a magical mix-up, they receive med. school dropout Max Tuduski (Justin Marchert). Max will teach them human medicine. In return, they'll teach Max to be a little more human.
