
主演:Paul Frees Everett Sloane 

导演:David Detiege / 





Plot Summary:Cartoon series produced by UPA, in which Dick Tracy (voiced by the distinguished film and stage actor Everett Sloane) played more or less of an incidental role. Most of the crime fighting was left to his assistants, all originals created for the series: Hemlock Holmes (an English bulldog who talked like Cary Grant), the calorically challenged beat cop Heap O'Calorie (who talked like Andy Devine), and the offensively (today) stereotyped Latino and Asian characters Go-Go Gomez and Joe Jitsu, respectively. Most of the familiar Tracy villains from the comic strip (Flattop, Mumbles, Pruneface, etc.) were featured here, as well. In addition to Sloane, such talented voice persons and character actors as Benny Rubin, Paul Frees, and Mel Blanc handled much of the voice-work for this series.
《至尊神探》改编自知名的漫画,这部经典漫画当初是由 Chester Gould 所创作,多年来已经捧红了这一位神探英雄 Dick Tracy ,本片改编自漫画,也延续漫画中紧张刺激的风格,剧情故事则是叙述神探 Dick Tracy 正打算退出江湖,与女友 Tess Trueheart 安定下来,但是偏偏此时邪恶势力又再度猖狂,由 Big Boy Caprice 所率领的集团蠢蠢欲动,正义感颇强的 Dick Tracy 於是百折不挠与其周旋到底,再加上美艳的金发美女 Breathless Mahoney 牵涉其中,一连串的精采冒险於是展开!
