La mano negra(1980)


主演:Íñigo Gurrea 华金·伊诺霍萨 Virginia Mataix 卡门·毛拉 安东尼奥·雷西内斯 Marta Fernández Muro 曼纽尔·亚历山大 法比奥·泰斯蒂 

导演:费尔南多·科洛莫 / 编剧:费尔南多·科洛莫 Fernando Colomo

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La mano negra:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Without a job and still living with his parents, Manolo is a poor guy who one day is reunited with his old friend Mariano, writer of a highly successful crime novel in the United States. But Manolo then begins to suspect that the plot of the book could be an autobiographical story, which makes him want to investigate the matter.
