
主演:Chris Crocker 

导演:克里斯·穆卡贝尔 / Valerie Veatch / 





Plot Summary:The story of Chris Crocker, an uncanny young video blogger from a small town in Tennessee. Chris is part of the first wave of young people developing into adulthood under constant self-surveillance. At 270 million video hits to date, Crocker is patient zero. He is the product of a hyper social Internet experience offering a virtual ticket out of town. Chris Crocker is still one of the most controversial Internet video personalities to come out of the short history of this genre. This documentary is an intimate look at a complex astute and surprisingly media savvy young video blogger, regarded by millions as the Internet's first rebel folk hero.
About Chris Crocker, a video blogger from a small town in Tennessee. The film traces a line through a tapestry of web comments, response videos, fans, and haters to map the controversial rise of an Internet folk hero.
