SP 要人警护官 野望篇SP 野望篇(2010)

又名:SP 警视厅警备部警护课第四系 / SP 要人警护官


主演:冈田准一 真木阳子 堤真一 小林星兰 

导演:波多野貴文 / 编剧:金城一紀

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SP 要人警护官 野望篇:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:When Kaoru Inoue (Junichi Okada) opposes Soichiro Ogata (Shin'ichi Tsutsumi), Soichiro makes the cryptic remark "It couldn't be helped. It was for a greater cause ..."One month later, at an event hall in Roppongi Hills, there is a charity event for landmine eradication. Kaoru does security with Security Police officers Soichiro Ogata, Eri Sasamoto (Yoko Maki), Takahumi Yamamoto (Satoru Matsuo) and Mitsuo Ishida (Yu Kamio). Kaoru Inoue senses a threatening existence and starts to suffer a severe headache and becomes dizzy. When Kaoru was young, his parents were killed by terrorists and that incident has had an traumatic effect on Kaoru since.Inside the event hall, Kaoru Inoue replies to Ogata calls that everything is fine. The Secretary of Japan then appears on stage and Inoue again senses a threatening existence. Kaoru has a premonition of what will happen in the future. Right after, Kaoru finds a man in a suit holding an umbrella, even though the weather is clear, and starts running ...
麻田首相袭击事件和西岛勇司(飯田基祐 饰)的自杀事件,彻底宣告了SP的负责人尾形总一郎(堤真一 饰)等期望通过软着陆的方法改变政治格局设想的失败。在此之后,日本的政体进入了风暴前的暗潮涌动的关键时刻,而井上薰(岡田准一 饰)对尾形的不信任感也日益加深。与此同时,一石会负责人伊达国雄(香川照之 饰)高调参政,他暗中示意包括尾形在内的一群年轻政客筹划发动恐怖袭击,以此为契机掀起一轮改朝换代的革命风潮。尾形希望井上参与进来,但是却被对方拒绝,于是井上变成为了伊达迈向王座的绊脚石……   本片为同名电视剧的电影版(另一部为“革命篇”),并荣获2011年第34届日本电影学院奖话题奖。
